The new hardcore Viking survival game, Valheim, can be enjoyed solo or online with a group of friends. As with any online game with server hosting capabilities, there’s a developer console along with a long list of commands you can use to modify the game settings. Whether you want to enable god mode, fully explore your map, or spawn in some items, there’s a lot you can do with these commands. Here’s a complete list of Valheim console commands, cheat codes, and a prefab list to spawn in any item or monster you want.
Valheim Console Commands
Here is a complete list of admin console commands for Valheim. Open the console by pressing the F5 key and enable cheats by typing “imacheater” allowing you to enter any of the following commands.
- debugmode – toggles dev mode
- heal – heals you to full health
- puke – reset your health and stamina, remove food buffs
- sleep – skips forward a day
- skiptime [seconds] – fast forward several seconds
- resetmap – resets map exploration
- killall – kills all nearby enemies
- tame – tames all nearby tameable creatures
- hair – makes you bald
- beard – removes beard
- location – spawn location
- raise skill [skill] [amount] – raises a skill a specific amount
- resetskill [skill] – resets a skill level
- freefly – freefly photo mode
- ffsmooth – freefly smoothness
- tod -1 [0-1] – changes the time of day
- env [env] – sets the debug environment
- resetenv – resets the debug environment
- wind [angle] [intensity] – changes wind angle and strength
- god – enables god mode
- event [name] – starts an event
- stopevent – stops the event
- randomevent – activates a random event
- save – manual world save
- resetcharacter – resets your character data
- removedrops – removes item drops in the area
- setkey [name] – sets a key
- resetkeys – reset keys
- listkeys – lists your current keys
- players [nr] – forces difficulty scale (0 to reset)
- dpsdebug – enables DPS debuff print
Here are some Valheim console commands you can use without enabling cheats, as they can provide some useful information about your game:
- help – lists console commands
- info – shows system information
- lodbias [0-5] – sets your draw distance
- ping – shows your latency
- save – saves your game
Valheim Server Admin Commands
Here’s a complete list of Valheim server admin console commands in case you are managing a public server:
- kick [name/ip/id] – kicks a player from the server
- ban [name/ip/id] – bans a player from the server
- unban [name/ip/id] – unbans a player from the server
- banned – shows a list of banned players
Valheim Creative Mode
You can enable Valheim‘s creative mode by typing debugmode in the console, as long as you have cheats enabled. While the creative mode is active, you can use the following keys for shortcuts:
- B – free item placement
- K – kill nearby enemies
- Z – toggle flying mode
Creative mode is a great way to experiment with building layouts, since you can repair and construct things at no cost. Combine this mode with the item spawn commands, and you can dive deep into the games’ assets.
Valheim Prefab List
Here are useful console commands if you want to test some different things, do some building, or mess around with various assets.
How do you spawn items in Valheim?
There is a wide range of console commands you can use to spawn any item in the game. The correct syntax to use is: spawn [itemPrefabName] [Amount]. An example is: Spawn CookedMeat 10. Find the full list of items below.
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- AxeBlackMetal
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- Battleaxe
- GoblinSword
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- Club
- GoblinClub
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- Bow
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- SpearBronze
- SpearChitin
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- GoblinHelmet
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- FishCooked
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentStew
- TurnipStew
- LoxPie
- BloodPudding
- Sausages
- Blueberries
- Raspberry
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- Carrot
- CarrotSeeds
- Turnip
- Honey
- Barley
- TurnipSeeds
- Cloudberry
- Wood
- FineWood
- ElderBark
- SurtlingCore
- Iron
- IronOre
- Bronze
- Copper
- CopperOre
- Tin
- TinOre
- Obsidian
- Chitin
- Silver
- SilverOre
- BlackMetalScrap
- BlackMetal
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
Complete List of Item Commands in Valheim
- Amber
- AmberPearl
- ancientbarkspear_projectile
- AncientSeed
- aoe_nova
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- ArrowBronze
- ArrowFire
- ArrowFlint
- ArrowFrost
- ArrowIron
- ArrowNeedle
- ArrowObsidian
- ArrowPoison
- ArrowSilver
- ArrowWood
- AtgeirBlackmetal
- AtgeirBronze
- AtgeirIron
- AxeBlackMetal
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- Barley
- BarleyFlour
- BarleyWine
- BarleyWineBase
- barrell
- Battleaxe
- bed
- bee_aoe
- beech_log
- beech_log_half
- Beech_Sapling
- Beech_small1
- Beech_small2
- Beech_Stub
- Beech1
- BeechSeeds
- Beehive
- BeltStrength
- Birch_log
- Birch_log_half
- Birch1
- Birch1_aut
- Birch2
- Birch2_aut
- BirchStub
- BlackMetal
- BlackMetalScrap
- blastfurnace
- Blob
- blob_aoe
- BlobElite
- Bloodbag
- BloodPudding
- Blueberries
- BlueberryBush
- Boar
- Boar_piggy
- boar_ragdoll
- BombOoze
- BoneFragments
- Bonemass
- bonemass_aoe
- bonemass_throw_projectile
- BonePileSpawner
- bonfire
- BossStone_Bonemass
- BossStone_DragonQueen
- BossStone_Eikthyr
- BossStone_TheElder
- BossStone_Yagluth
- Bow
- bow_projectile
- bow_projectile_fire
- bow_projectile_frost
- bow_projectile_needle
- bow_projectile_poison
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- Bread
- Bronze
- BronzeNails
- bronzespear_projectile
- bucket
- Bush01
- Bush01_heath
- Bush02_en
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeOdin
- CapeTest
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- CargoCrate
- Carrot
- CarrotSeeds
- CarrotSoup
- Cart
- CastleKit_braided_box01
- CastleKit_groundtorch
- CastleKit_groundtorch_green
- CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
- CastleKit_pot03
- Chain
- charcoal_kiln
- Chest
- Chitin
- Cloudberry
- CloudberryBush
- Club
- Coal
- Coins
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- Copper
- CopperOre
- Crow
- CryptKey
- Crystal
- cultivate
- Cultivator
- Dandelion
- dead_deer
- Deathsquito
- Deathsquito_sting
- Deer
- deer_ragdoll
- DeerGodExplosion
- DeerHide
- DG_Cave
- DG_ForestCrypt
- DG_GoblinCamp
- DG_MeadowsFarm
- DG_MeadowsVillage
- DG_SunkenCrypt
- digg
- digg_v2
- Dragon
- dragon_ice_projectile
- DragonEgg
- dragoneggcup
- DragonTear
- Draugr
- draugr_arrow
- draugr_axe
- draugr_bow
- draugr_bow_projectile
- Draugr_Elite
- Draugr_elite_ragdoll
- Draugr_ragdoll
- Draugr_Ranged
- Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
- draugr_sword
- dungeon_forestcrypt_door
- dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
- Eikthyr
- eikthyr_ragdoll
- ElderBark
- Entrails
- eventzone_bonemass
- eventzone_eikthyr
- eventzone_gdking
- eventzone_goblinking
- eventzone_moder
- EvilHeart_Forest
- EvilHeart_Swamp
- Feathers
- Fenring
- Fenring_ragdoll
- fermenter
- FineWood
- FirCone
- fire_pit
- FireFlies
- FirTree
- FirTree_log
- FirTree_log_half
- FirTree_oldLog
- FirTree_Sapling
- FirTree_small
- FirTree_small_dead
- FirTree_Stub
- Fish1
- Fish2
- Fish3
- Fish4_cave
- FishCooked
- FishingBait
- FishingRod
- FishingRodFloat
- FishingRodFloatProjectile
- FishRaw
- FishWraps
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
- Flax
- Flies
- Flint
- flintspear_projectile
- ForestTroll_ragdoll
- forge
- forge_ext1
- forge_ext2
- forge_ext3
- forge_ext4
- forge_ext5
- forge_ext6
- FreezeGland
- fx_backstab
- fx_boar_pet
- fx_creature_tamed
- fx_crit
- fx_deathsquito_hit
- fx_deatsquito_death
- fx_dragon_land
- fx_drown
- fx_eikthyr_forwardshockwave
- fx_eikthyr_stomp
- fx_float_hitwater
- fx_float_nibble
- fx_gdking_rootspawn
- fx_goblinbrute_groundslam
- fx_goblinking_beam_hit
- fx_goblinking_meteor_hit
- fx_goblinking_nova
- fx_GP_Activation
- fx_GP_Player
- fx_GP_Stone
- fx_guardstone_activate
- fx_guardstone_deactivate
- fx_guardstone_permitted_add
- fx_guardstone_permitted_removed
- fx_leviathan_leave
- fx_leviathan_reaction
- fx_Lightning
- fx_lox_death
- fx_lox_hit
- fx_Potion_frostresist
- fx_shaman_fireball_expl
- fx_shaman_protect
- fx_sw_addflax
- fx_sw_produce
- fx_tentaroot_death
- fx_tombstone_destroyed
- fx_totem_destroyed
- fx_vines_hit
- fx_WaterImpact_Big
- fx_wolf_pet
- gd_king
- gdking_Ragdoll
- gdking_root_projectile
- Ghost
- GlowingMushroom
- Goblin
- goblin_banner
- goblin_bed
- Goblin_Dragdoll
- goblin_fence
- goblin_pole
- goblin_pole_small
- goblin_roof_45d
- goblin_roof_45d_corner
- goblin_roof_cap
- goblin_stairs
- goblin_stepladder
- goblin_totempole
- goblin_woodwall_1m
- goblin_woodwall_2m
- goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
- GoblinArcher
- GoblinArmband
- GoblinBrute
- GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
- GoblinBrute_Attack
- GoblinBrute_Backbones
- GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
- GoblinBrute_HipCloth
- GoblinBrute_LegBones
- GoblinBrute_ragdoll
- GoblinBrute_RageAttack
- GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
- GoblinBrute_Taunt
- GoblinClub
- GoblinHelmet
- GoblinKing
- GoblinKing_ragdoll
- goblinking_totemholder
- GoblinLegband
- GoblinLoin
- GoblinShaman
- GoblinShaman_attack_poke
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
- GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
- GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
- GoblinShaman_ragdoll
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
- GoblinShoulders
- GoblinSpear
- GoblinSpear_projectile
- GoblinSword
- GoblinTorch
- GoblinTotem
- Greydwarf
- Greydwarf_Elite
- Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_Root
- Greydwarf_Shaman
- Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_throw_projectile
- GreydwarfEye
- Greyling
- Greyling_ragdoll
- guard_stone
- guard_stone_test
- Guck
- GuckSack
- GuckSack_small
- Haldor (this is the merchant, yes he works if you spawn him)
- Hammer
- HardAntler
- Hatchling
- hatchling_cold_projectile
- Hatchling_ragdoll
- HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
- HealthUpgrade_GDKing
- hearth
- HeathRockPillar
- HeathRockPillar_frac
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
- highstone
- highstone_frac
- Hoe
- Honey
- horizontal_web
- HugeRoot1
- ice_rock1
- ice_rock1_frac
- ice1
- IceBlocker
- Imp_fireball_projectile
- Iron
- iron_grate
- IronNails
- IronOre
- IronScrap
- itemstand
- itemstandh
- Karve
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- LeatherScraps
- Leech
- Leech_cave
- Leviathan
- LinenThread
- LocationProxy
- loot_chest_stone
- loot_chest_wood
- LootSpawner_pineforest
- Lox
- lox_ragdoll
- lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
- LoxMeat
- LoxPelt
- LoxPie
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- marker01
- marker02
- MeadBaseFrostResist
- MeadBaseHealthMedium
- MeadBaseHealthMinor
- MeadBasePoisonResist
- MeadBaseStaminaMedium
- MeadBaseStaminaMinor
- MeadBaseTasty
- MeadFrostResist
- MeadHealthMedium
- MeadHealthMinor
- MeadPoisonResist
- MeadStaminaMedium
- MeadStaminaMinor
- MeadTasty
- MineRock_Copper
- MineRock_Iron
- MineRock_Meteorite
- MineRock_Obsidian
- MineRock_Stone
- MineRock_Tin
- MountainGraveStone01
- mud_road
- mudpile
- mudpile_beacon
- mudpile_frac
- mudpile_old
- mudpile2
- mudpile2_frac
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- Neck
- Neck_Ragdoll
- NeckTail
- NeckTailGrilled
- Needle
- Oak_log
- Oak_log_half
- Oak1
- OakStub
- Obsidian
- odin
- OLD_wood_roof
- OLD_wood_roof_icorner
- OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
- OLD_wood_roof_top
- OLD_wood_wall_roof
- Ooze
- oozebomb_explosion
- oozebomb_projectile
- path
- paved_road
- Pickable_Barley
- Pickable_Barley_Wild
- Pickable_BogIronOre
- Pickable_Branch
- Pickable_Carrot
- Pickable_Dandelion
- Pickable_DolmenTreasure
- Pickable_DragonEgg
- Pickable_Flax
- Pickable_Flax_Wild
- Pickable_Flint
- Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
- Pickable_Item
- Pickable_Meteorite
- Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
- Pickable_Mushroom
- Pickable_Mushroom_blue
- Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
- Pickable_Obsidian
- Pickable_RandomFood
- Pickable_SeedCarrot
- Pickable_SeedTurnip
- Pickable_Stone
- Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
- Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
- Pickable_Thistle
- Pickable_Tin
- Pickable_Turnip
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- piece_artisanstation
- piece_banner01
- piece_banner02
- piece_banner03
- piece_banner04
- piece_banner05
- piece_bed02
- piece_beehive
- piece_bench01
- piece_brazierceiling01
- piece_cauldron
- piece_chair
- piece_chair02
- piece_chest
- piece_chest_private
- piece_chest_wood
- piece_cookingstation
- piece_gift1
- piece_gift2
- piece_gift3
- piece_groundtorch
- piece_groundtorch_green
- piece_groundtorch_wood
- piece_jackoturnip
- piece_maypole
- piece_sharpstakes
- piece_spinningwheel
- piece_stonecutter
- piece_table
- piece_throne01
- piece_walltorch
- piece_workbench
- piece_workbench_ext1
- piece_workbench_ext2
- piece_workbench_ext3
- piece_workbench_ext4
- piece_xmastree
- PineCone
- PineTree
- Pinetree_01
- Pinetree_01_Stub
- PineTree_log
- PineTree_log_half
- PineTree_log_halfOLD
- PineTree_logOLD
- PineTree_Sapling
- Player
- Player_ragdoll
- Player_ragdoll_old
- Player_tombstone
- PlayerUnarmed
- portal
- portal_wood
- projectile_beam
- projectile_chitinharpoon
- projectile_meteor
- projectile_wolffang
- QueenBee
- QueensJam
- Raft
- raise
- Raspberry
- RaspberryBush
- RawMeat
- replant
- Resin
- Rock_3
- Rock_3_frac
- Rock_4
- Rock_4_plains
- Rock_7
- Rock_destructible
- Rock_destructible_test
- rock1_mountain
- rock1_mountain_frac
- rock2_heath
- rock2_heath_frac
- rock2_mountain
- rock2_mountain_frac
- rock3_mountain
- rock3_mountain_frac
- rock3_silver
- rock3_silver_frac
- rock4_coast
- rock4_coast_frac
- rock4_copper
- rock4_copper_frac
- rock4_forest
- rock4_forest_frac
- rock4_heath
- rock4_heath_frac
- RockFinger
- RockFinger_frac
- RockFingerBroken
- RockFingerBroken_frac
- rockformation1
- RockThumb
- RockThumb_frac
- root07
- root08
- root11
- root12
- RoundLog
- Ruby
- rug_deer
- rug_fur
- rug_wolf
- sapling_barley
- sapling_carrot
- sapling_flax
- sapling_seedcarrot
- sapling_seedturnip
- sapling_turnip
- Sausages
- Seagal
- Serpent
- SerpentMeat
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentScale
- SerpentStew
- shaman_attack_aoe
- shaman_heal_aoe
- SharpeningStone
- ShieldBanded
- ShieldBlackmetal
- ShieldBlackmetalTower
- ShieldBronzeBuckler
- ShieldIronSquare
- ShieldIronTower
- ShieldKnight
- ShieldSerpentscale
- ShieldSilver
- ShieldWood
- ShieldWoodTower
- ship_construction
- shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
- shipwreck_karve_bow
- shipwreck_karve_chest
- shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
- shipwreck_karve_stern
- shipwreck_karve_sternpost
- shrub_2
- shrub_2_heath
- sign
- sign_notext
- Silver
- SilverNecklace
- SilverOre
- silvervein
- silvervein_frac
- Skeleton
- skeleton_bow
- skeleton_mace
- Skeleton_NoArcher
- Skeleton_Poison
- skeleton_sword
- Skull1
- Skull2
- sledge_aoe
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- smelter
- Spawner_Blob
- Spawner_BlobElite
- Spawner_Boar
- Spawner_Draugr
- Spawner_Draugr_Elite
- Spawner_Draugr_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
- Spawner_DraugrPile
- Spawner_Fenring
- Spawner_Fish4
- Spawner_Ghost
- Spawner_Goblin
- Spawner_GoblinArcher
- Spawner_GoblinBrute
- Spawner_GoblinShaman
- Spawner_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
- Spawner_GreydwarfNest
- Spawner_Hatchling
- Spawner_imp
- Spawner_imp_respawn
- Spawner_Leech_cave
- Spawner_Location_Elite
- Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Location_Shaman
- Spawner_Skeleton
- Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
- Spawner_Skeleton_poison
- Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
- Spawner_StoneGolem
- Spawner_Troll
- Spawner_Wraith
- SpearBronze
- SpearChitin
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- stake_wall
- StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
- StaminaUpgrade_Troll
- StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
- StatueCorgi
- StatueDeer
- StatueEvil
- StatueHare
- StatueSeed
- Stone
- stone_arch
- stone_floor
- stone_floor_2x2
- stone_pile
- stone_pillar
- stone_stair
- stone_wall_1x1
- stone_wall_2x1
- stone_wall_4x2
- stoneblock_fracture
- stonechest
- StoneGolem
- stonegolem_attack1_spike
- StoneGolem_clubs
- StoneGolem_hat
- Stonegolem_ragdoll
- StoneGolem_spikes
- stubbe
- stubbe_spawner
- sunken_crypt_gate
- Surtling
- SurtlingCore
- SwampTree1
- SwampTree1_log
- SwampTree1_Stub
- SwampTree2
- SwampTree2_darkland
- SwampTree2_log
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordCheat
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- Tankard
- TankardOdin
- TentaRoot
- tentaroot_attack
- Thistle
- Tin
- TinOre
- tolroko_flyer
- Torch
- Trailership
- TrainingDummy
- TreasureChest_blackforest
- TreasureChest_fCrypt
- TreasureChest_forestcrypt
- TreasureChest_heath
- TreasureChest_meadows
- TreasureChest_meadows_buried
- TreasureChest_mountains
- TreasureChest_plains_stone
- TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
- TreasureChest_swamp
- TreasureChest_trollcave
- Troll
- troll_groundslam_aoe
- troll_log_swing_h
- troll_log_swing_v
- Troll_ragdoll
- troll_throw_projectile
- TrollHide
- TrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraith
- tunnel_web
- turf_roof
- turf_roof_top
- turf_roof_wall
- Turnip
- TurnipSeeds
- TurnipStew
- Valkyrie
- VegvisirShard_Bonemass
- vertical_web
- vfx_arrowhit
- vfx_auto_pickup
- vfx_barley_destroyed
- vfx_barnacle_destroyed
- vfx_barnacle_hit
- vfx_barrle_destroyed
- vfx_beech_cut
- vfx_beech_small1_destroy
- vfx_beech_small2_destroy
- vfx_beechlog_destroyed
- vfx_beechlog_half_destroyed
- vfx_beehive_destroyed
- vfx_beehive_hit
- vfx_birch1_aut_cut
- vfx_birch1_cut
- vfx_birch2_aut_cut
- vfx_birch2_cut
- vfx_blastfurance_addfuel
- vfx_blastfurnace_addore
- vfx_blastfurnace_produce
- vfx_blob_attack
- vfx_blob_death
- vfx_blob_hit
- vfx_blobelite_attack
- vfx_blocked
- vfx_BloodDeath
- vfx_BloodHit
- vfx_boar_birth
- vfx_boar_death
- vfx_boar_hit
- vfx_boar_love
- vfx_BonemassDeath
- vfx_BonemassHit
- vfx_bonepile_destroyed
- vfx_bones_pick
- vfx_bonfire_AddFuel
- vfx_bonfire_destroyed
- vfx_bow_fire
- vfx_bowl_AddItem
- vfx_Burning
- vfx_bush_destroyed
- vfx_bush_destroyed_heath
- vfx_bush_leaf_puff
- vfx_bush_leaf_puff_heath
- vfx_bush2_e_hit
- vfx_bush2_en_destroyed
- vfx_clubhit
- vfx_Cold
- vfx_ColdBall_Hit
- vfx_ColdBall_launch
- vfx_cooking_station_transform
- vfx_corpse_destruction_large
- vfx_corpse_destruction_medium
- vfx_corpse_destruction_small
- vfx_creature_soothed
- vfx_crow_death
- vfx_damaged_cart
- vfx_Damaged_Karve
- vfx_Damaged_Raft
- vfx_Damaged_VikingShip
- vfx_darkland_groundfog
- vfx_deer_death
- vfx_deer_hit
- vfx_Destroyed_Karve
- vfx_Destroyed_Raft
- vfx_Destroyed_VikingShip
- vfx_dragon_coldbreath
- vfx_dragon_death
- vfx_dragon_hurt
- vfx_dragon_ice_hit
- vfx_dragonegg_destroy
- vfx_draugr_death
- vfx_draugr_hit
- vfx_draugrpile_destroyed
- vfx_draugrpile_hit
- vfx_DraugrSpawn
- vfx_edge_clouds
- vfx_eikthyr_death
- vfx_fenring_death
- vfx_fenring_hurt
- vfx_fermenter_add
- vfx_fermenter_tap
- vfx_fir_oldlog
- vfx_FireAddFuel
- vfx_FireballHit
- vfx_firetree_regrow
- vfx_firetreecut
- vfx_firetreecut_dead
- vfx_firlogdestroyed
- vfx_firlogdestroyed_half
- vfx_foresttroll_hit
- vfx_ForgeAddFuel
- vfx_Freezing
- vfx_Frost
- vfx_frostarrow_hit
- vfx_frosttroll_hit
- vfx_gdking_stomp
- vfx_ghost_death
- vfx_ghost_hit
- vfx_goblin_death
- vfx_goblin_hit
- vfx_goblin_woodwall_destroyed
- vfx_goblinbrute_death
- vfx_goblinbrute_hit
- vfx_goblinking_beam_OLD
- vfx_GoblinShield
- vfx_GodExplosion
- vfx_greydwarf_death
- vfx_greydwarf_elite_death
- vfx_greydwarf_hit
- vfx_greydwarf_root_destroyed
- vfx_greydwarf_shaman_pray
- vfx_greydwarfnest_destroyed
- vfx_greydwarfnest_hit
- vfx_groundtorch_addFuel
- vfx_GuckSackDestroyed
- vfx_GuckSackHit
- vfx_GuckSackSmall_Destroyed
- vfx_Harpooned
- vfx_hatchling_death
- vfx_hatchling_hurt
- vfx_HealthUpgrade
- vfx_HearthAddFuel
- vfx_HitSparks
- vfx_ice_destroyed
- vfx_ice_destroyed_shelf
- vfx_ice_hit
- vfx_iceblocker_destroyed
- vfx_ImpDeath
- vfx_kiln_addore
- vfx_kiln_produce
- vfx_leech_death
- vfx_leech_hit
- vfx_lootspawn
- vfx_lox_groundslam
- vfx_MeadSplash
- vfx_mill_add
- vfx_mill_produce
- vfx_MudDestroyed
- vfx_MudHit
- vfx_neck_death
- vfx_neck_hit
- vfx_oak_cut
- vfx_oaklogdestroyed
- vfx_oaklogdestroyed_half
- vfx_ocean_clouds
- vfx_odin_despawn
- vfx_offering
- vfx_perfectblock
- vfx_pickable_pick
- vfx_pinelogdestroyed
- vfx_pinelogdestroyed_half
- vfx_pinetree_regrow
- vfx_pinetreecut
- vfx_Place_bed
- vfx_Place_beehive
- vfx_Place_brazierceiling01
- vfx_Place_cart
- vfx_Place_cauldron
- vfx_Place_charcoalkiln
- vfx_Place_chest
- vfx_Place_digg
- vfx_Place_forge
- vfx_Place_Karve
- vfx_Place_mud_road
- vfx_Place_portal
- vfx_Place_Raft
- vfx_Place_raise
- vfx_Place_replant
- vfx_Place_smelter
- vfx_Place_spinningwheel
- vfx_Place_stone_floor
- vfx_Place_stone_floor_2x2
- vfx_Place_stone_wall_2x1
- vfx_Place_stone_wall_4x2
- vfx_Place_VikingShip
- vfx_Place_windmill
- vfx_Place_wood_beam
- vfx_Place_wood_floor
- vfx_Place_wood_pole
- vfx_Place_wood_roof
- vfx_Place_wood_stair
- vfx_Place_wood_wall
- vfx_Place_wood_wall_half
- vfx_Place_wood_wall_roof
- vfx_Place_workbench
- vfx_player_death
- vfx_player_hit
- vfx_Poison
- vfx_poisonarrow_hit
- vfx_Potion_health_medium
- vfx_Potion_stamina_medium
- vfx_prespawn
- vfx_ProjectileHit
- vfx_RockDestroyed
- vfx_RockDestroyed_large
- vfx_RockDestroyed_Obsidian
- vfx_RockHit
- vfx_RockHit_Obsidian
- vfx_SawDust
- vfx_seagull_death
- vfx_serpent_attack_trigger
- vfx_serpent_death
- vfx_serpent_hurt
- vfx_shrub_2_destroyed
- vfx_shrub_2_heath_destroyed
- vfx_shrub_2_hit
- vfx_shrub_heath_hit
- vfx_silvermace_hit
- vfx_skeleton_big_death
- vfx_skeleton_death
- vfx_skeleton_hit
- vfx_skeleton_mace_hit
- vfx_sledge_hit
- vfx_sledge_iron_hit
- vfx_smelter_addfuel
- vfx_smelter_addore
- vfx_smelter_produce
- vfx_Smoked
- vfx_spawn
- vfx_spawn_large
- vfx_spawn_small
- vfx_StaminaUpgrade
- vfx_stone_floor_destroyed
- vfx_stone_stair_destroyed
- vfx_stone_wall_4x2_destroyed
- vfx_stonegolem_attack_hit
- vfx_stonegolem_death
- vfx_stonegolem_hurt
- vfx_stonegolem_wakeup
- vfx_stubbe
- vfx_swamp_mist
- vfx_swamptree_cut
- vfx_torch_hit
- vfx_tree_fall_hit
- vfx_troll_attack_hit
- vfx_troll_death
- vfx_troll_groundslam
- vfx_troll_log_hitground
- vfx_troll_rock_destroyed
- vfx_turnip_grow
- vfx_UndeadBurn
- vfx_vines_destroyed
- vfx_walltorch_addFuel
- vfx_WaterImpact_Karve
- vfx_WaterImpact_Raft
- vfx_WaterImpact_VikingShip
- vfx_Wet
- vfx_WishbonePing
- vfx_wolf_death
- vfx_wolf_hit
- vfx_wood_stack_destroyed
- vfx_wraith_death
- vfx_wraith_hit
- VikingShip
- vines
- widestone
- widestone_frac
- windmill
- Wishbone
- WitheredBone
- Wolf
- Wolf_cub
- Wolf_Ragdoll
- WolfFang
- WolfPelt
- Wood
- wood_beam
- wood_beam_1
- wood_beam_26
- wood_beam_45
- wood_door
- wood_dragon1
- wood_fence
- wood_floor
- wood_floor_1x1
- wood_gate
- wood_ledge
- wood_pole
- wood_pole_log
- wood_pole_log_4
- wood_pole2
- wood_roof
- wood_roof_45
- wood_roof_icorner
- wood_roof_icorner_45
- wood_roof_ocorner
- wood_roof_ocorner_45
- wood_roof_top
- wood_roof_top_45
- wood_stack
- wood_stair
- wood_stepladder
- wood_wall_half
- wood_wall_log
- wood_wall_log_4x0.5
- wood_wall_roof
- wood_wall_roof_45
- wood_wall_roof_top
- wood_wall_roof_top_45
- woodiron_beam
- woodiron_pole
- woodwall
- Wraith
- wraith_melee
- YagluthDrop
- YmirRemains